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Archer Fund

Alumni Support

In the 2022-2023 school year, 112 Archer graduates were inspired to leave their legacy for future generations of Archer girls. This year, we were excited to announce the Eastern Star Circle, which acknowledges our alumni who have continuously supported Archer with a personal donation every year since graduation.
Thank you to all our alumni who support their alma mater this year and every year!

1+ = 1st year donor 
5+ = 5+ year consecutive donor         
10+ = 10+ year consecutive donor
20+ = 20+ year consecutive donor
 = Recurring gift
 = Eastern Star Circle
Gracie Abrams '18 1+
Isabel Adler '17 5+ 
Cynthia Ambriz '11 5+ 
Vaughan Anoa'i '22
Kirsten Avila '14
Ale Ayala '22
Gaby Ayala '21
Olivia Bagg '15 5+
Lauren H. Bahedry '05 10+
Melissa Bank '04 10+
Maia Barnett '14 10+
Chace Beech '12
Elana (Schwarzman) Besserman '02 10+
Jenny Blumenfield '06 1+ 
Cece Bobbitt '15
Sarah Boehm '16
Zsea Bowmani '02
Amy Braun '03
Chloe Brooks-Lao '03
Danielle (Feinerman) Brown '07 5+
Stephanie Bustillo '13
Rocio Cabrera '06
Jackelyn Cach '17
Catherine Carmichael '04 10+
Stephanie Chassman '09
Jasmine Chen '13 5+
Julia Chen '15
Roxane Cohanim '03 10+
Kelley Costello '05 10+ ∞
Hannah Cranston '09
Allie Davis '07
Rosy DePaul '13 10+
Alicia Dougherty '08 10+
Alyssa Downer '17 5+
Devon Dunlap '03
Fairfax duPont '06 10+
Sophie duPont '10 10+
Isabelle Edwards '03
Tatiana Evans '13 10+
Rachel Ferrera '18
Lauren (Hochberg) Finkelstein '01 20+
Sophie Frank '15 5+ 
Mari Goldberg '17
Cailin Goldberg-Meehan '01 10+
Daisy Gonzalez '14
Abby Gore '17 5+ 
Dominique Miller Greene '01 10+
Maddie (Marcus) Gross '07 5+
Rachel Gutson '07 5+
Lauren Haas '04
Antonia Haley '14 5+
Cailey Hall '02 20+
Amber Buck Hamilton '04 5+
Genesis (Lopez '08) Hanley
Briney Harris '15
Nicole Hart '03 10+ 
Korinne (Mitchell) Hinderliter '02 10+
Hannah Hodgden (Zeiler) '04 10+
Aviva Intveld '19 5+
Olivia Jarvie '22 
Daniela Jimenez '14
Stephanie Kang '07
Anna Kelner '08
Gavin (Frank) Kliger '03 20+
Clio Sophia Koller '14 10+
Julie Kominski '05 10+
Caitlin Kramer '11
Jenna (Berger) Landi '05 10+
Alyssa Lanz '08
Sophie Larbalestier '20 
Zoe Malecki '09 10+
Alexa Marks '13
Amanda Mihalke '15
Gabrielle Miller '04 5+
Sara Morris '22 1+ 
Kristen Mundy '17
Bella Nalle '13 1+ 
Sara Mottahedan Navab '03 10+
Keely Nett '21 1+ 
Hillary Newman '04 10+
Elizabeth O'Donnell '12
Alana O'Mara '14 10+
Morissa O'Mara Hollander '11 10+
Carina Oriel '16
Catherine Oriel '18 5+
Natasha Orozco '15
Sage Orvis '15
Sophie Owens-Bender
Maria Padilla '03
Elyse Pollack '18
Erika Radhansson '04 5+ 
Candy Ramirez-Hale '05 5+ ∞
Sammy Raucher '19 
Zoe Ravich McNitt '08
Jewel Rose '06 1+ 
Sarah Rosenblum '08 10+
Jessica Ruder '13 5+
Carly Salindong '03
Rebecca Samuelson '13 10+ 
Jeny Santizo Cojulun '12
Ashley Sawtelle Kietzmann '02
Rita Shrestha '14
Krysia Sikora '13
Allie Simon '15 5+
Sara Steiner '23 1+ 
Andrea Stern '10 10+
Benina Stern '12 10+
Claire Sulzer '17
Freddi (Zeiler) Swanson '03
Courtney Teller '10 10+ 
Annie Thompson '07 5+
Kelsey Thompson '20 1+ 
Helen Vera '02 10+
Billie Wakeham '17
Annie Wands '01 10+ 
Sophie Wasson '03 1+ 
Katie Werner '10 5+
Courtney Wernick '21 1+ 
Maya Wernick '18 5+ 
Maria Vera Whelan '04
Mac Williams '19
Lola Wolf '19
Marine Yamada '17
Cybele Zhang '18 5+ 
The Archer School for Girls admits students of any race, color, religion, national and ethnic origin, sexual orientation or other legally protected status to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national and ethnic origin, sexual orientation or other legally protected status in its hiring or in the administration of its educational policies and programs, admissions policies, financial aid programs or other school-administered programs. 

The Archer School for Girls’ mission is to educate students in an environment specifically designed for girls. As such, the school will consider any candidate for admission who identifies as a girl. Once admitted to Archer, all students in good academic standing who abide by Archer’s code of conduct and who meet requirements for graduation will be eligible to receive an Archer diploma, regardless of any change in sexual identity or other legally protected status.