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Archer's Visual Arts program is focused on inspiring both intellectual and creative expression.
Students in the Visual Arts program explore a wide range of mediums including painting, drawing, ceramics, sculpture, fabric arts, printmaking, photography, graphic design, and mixed media. Projects in these courses foster creative experimentation and challenge students to develop their own unique voices. Students learn to balance conceptual thinking with technical skill building.
  • The Middle School Visual Art program includes studio arts, photography, ceramics, and filmmaking. Opportunities for designing wearable technology, building computer apps, and creating websites are also elective options.
  • Upper School students can pursue their passions through advanced coursework within each program of study. Students in 12th grade enrolled in an Advanced Study course have the opportunity to curate and present their art portfolio in an exhibition in our Eastern Star Gallery.
  • The Eastern Star Gallery, our on-campus art exhibition space, is led by a team of student artists and curators. Students go on studio visits, meet with local artists and organizations, and curate at least four professional exhibitions a year. The program also brings artist lectures, workshops, and panel discussions to our community. Students learn the business of art and gain important financial literacy skills as they partner with working artists to host and docent art shows.
  • Archer students are consistently recognized with Scholastic Arts Awards and have won numerous awards including the Congressional Art Competition and Young Arts National Awards.
To view examples of student exhibitions, awards, and past and current work from classes, visit the Arts at Archer website.

Courses Offered

  • Middle School Ceramics
  • Ceramics: Introduction, Intermediate, Advanced, Advanced Study
  • Middle School Photography
  • Photography: Introduction, Intermediate, Advanced, Advanced Study
Visual Art
  • Middle School Visual Arts: 2D and 3D
  • Art in the IDEALab
  • Studio Art: Introduction, Intermediate, Advanced, Advanced Study
  • Gallery Management and Design
Media Art
  • Advanced Study in Visual and Media Art
  • Media Tech: Yearbook
  • Advanced Media Tech: Yearbook Editing
  • Graphic Design
The Archer School for Girls admits students of any race, color, religion, national and ethnic origin, sexual orientation or other legally protected status to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national and ethnic origin, sexual orientation or other legally protected status in its hiring or in the administration of its educational policies and programs, admissions policies, financial aid programs or other school-administered programs. 

The Archer School for Girls’ mission is to educate students in an environment specifically designed for girls. As such, the school will consider any candidate for admission who identifies as a girl. Once admitted to Archer, all students in good academic standing who abide by Archer’s code of conduct and who meet requirements for graduation will be eligible to receive an Archer diploma, regardless of any change in sexual identity or other legally protected status.