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Academic Program

Mathematics & Computer Science

About the Program


Archer’s Mathematics program nurtures an enduring understanding and appreciation of the beauty and purpose of math that goes beyond rote computation and surface-level knowledge. By emphasizing the importance of conceptual understanding, we help students become more confident thinkers and fearless problem solvers. We follow an integrated mathematics model that amplifies the dynamic relationship between algebra, geometry, statistics, and probability. The overall curriculum is designed with multiple pathways to ensure that every student has the opportunity to take Calculus or Archer’s capstone electives, Financial Algebra and Data Science, in their senior year. In 6th-12th grade, our approach to mathematics is rooted in three foundational beliefs: fostering a growth mindset, maintaining mental ability and agency, and appreciating the purpose and beauty of mathematics.
  • Fostering a Growth Mindset: We believe that with effective effort, all students can achieve high levels of mathematical understanding. We anchor our lessons to standards-based competencies and scaffold skills to support student success.
  • Maintaining Mental Flexibility and Agency: We empower students with the skills and dispositions to seek out challenges and persevere through uncertainty. Classrooms are active learning hubs where students are encouraged to use multiple methods for problem-solving.
  • Appreciating the Purpose and Beauty in Mathematics: We believe that all students are mathematicians who can learn to appreciate the purpose and beauty of math.
Computer Science

Computer Science at Archer is interdisciplinary, accessible, and skill-based. Coding is integrated into the 6th grade math class and offered as web and app electives in 6th and 7th grade. Students learn to make interactive websites, mobile apps, art, games, and virtual reality scenes. In Upper School, students study different areas of computer science, such as cybersecurity and artificial intelligence, and take on advanced technical challenges like coding iPhone apps and studying college-level computer science.

While students learn programming skills, the computer science program also emphasizes collaboration and creativity. Classes use research-based practices such as pair programming to build students’ confidence and coding skills. Creative projects help students see code as a medium of expression as well as a tool for problem-solving, and group projects give students the experience of developing software in a team.

Department Chair

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Lisa King

    Lisa King 

    Math and Computer Science Department Chair

List of 4 items.

  • Mathematics & Expression

    Mathematics is about ideas. At Archer, students learn how to communicate these ideas clearly through written and verbal expression.

    • Success comes from understanding. Students make connections to their own knowledge of mathematics.
    • Expression requires students to examine their ideas and put them into a coherent written or verbal format that can be understood by others.
    • Students are challenged to explain the purpose and logic behind their problem-solving approaches to highlight both the process and product.
    • Students are consistently asked to reflect on their approach to learning and make their thinking visible so teachers can gain perspective into a student’s depth of understanding.
  • Technology In Math

    “Technology is essential in teaching and learning mathematics; it influences the mathematics that is taught and enhances student learning.” – National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
    Integration & Proficiency

    Archer uses technology as a tool for increasing students’ understanding and application of learning. In mathematics, we use computers and graphing calculators to:

    • Access real-time data.
    • Present multiple representations of concepts and increase students’ ability to visualize different perspectives.
    • Individualize and differentiate student learning. Teachers use technology to offer students more personalized learning experiences that stretch and support individual strengths and growth areas.
  • Data Science

    Our Data Science course is offered as both regular and Advanced Study to integrate mathematics and computer science through R Studio, an open-source programming language that has long been the industry standard for statisticians and analysts. Using R Studio, students engage with real-world learning through a “big data” paradigm.

    Data Science Examples:
  • Financial Literacy

    Successful financial decisions are backed by sound mathematics. The Math department infuses financial literacy throughout the curriculum to empower our graduates to take responsibility for their financial independence and well-being. Focusing on issues specific to women and wealth, our program focuses on six financial competencies: 

    • Employment and Earning Income
    • Spending and Saving
    • Investing
    • Wealth Management and Risk
    • Financial Decision-Making
    • Communication 

    Archer's Math department partners with FiCycle.

Math Course Offerings

List of 12 items.

  • Math 6: Mathematical Ways of Thinking

  • Math 7: Mathematics in Action

  • Algebra 1

  • Integrated Math I: Accelerated

  • Integrated Math II

  • Integrated Math III: Standard and Accelerated

  • Integrated Math III and Pre-Calculus Accelerated

  • Pre-Calculus: Standard and Accelerated

  • Advanced Study in Calculus AB and BC

  • Advanced Study in Data Science

  • Financial Algebra

  • Statistics

Computer Science Course Offerings

List of 6 items.

  • Web & App

  • Art, Code and Game Design

  • Art & Computer Science

  • Computer Science 1

  • Advanced Study in Computer Science 2A: iOS App Development

  • Advanced Study in Computer Science 2B: Java Programming

The Archer School for Girls admits students of any race, color, religion, national and ethnic origin, sexual orientation or other legally protected status to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national and ethnic origin, sexual orientation or other legally protected status in its hiring or in the administration of its educational policies and programs, admissions policies, financial aid programs or other school-administered programs. 

The Archer School for Girls’ mission is to educate students in an environment specifically designed for girls. As such, the school will consider any candidate for admission who identifies as a girl. Once admitted to Archer, all students in good academic standing who abide by Archer’s code of conduct and who meet requirements for graduation will be eligible to receive an Archer diploma, regardless of any change in sexual identity or other legally protected status.