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Technology at Archer

At Archer, technology is not just a tool, it’s a carefully integrated part of our educational philosophy. Our intentional scaffolding process develops essential skills and dispositions for students to safely and thoughtfully navigate the digital realm.
Archer endeavors to curate a slow and purposeful progression of technology integration that recognizes each stage of a girl’s social-emotional and academic journey. Our goal is to foster a critical mindset and reflective practice in teaching students to navigate the digital landscape responsibly and ethically.

At Archer, digital and media literacy is about fostering a community where technology enhances rather than replaces the human connections that lie at the core of meaningful learning.

Our Approach to Technology

List of 4 frequently asked questions.

  • Support a Family-School Partnership

    • New Family Tech Orientation to define the skills and goals of Archer’s “slow tech” and intentional approach to technology use
    • Create a Family Technology Contract to establish clear expectations and boundaries
    • Ongoing parent education about hot topics like screen time, social media, managing technology, and research-based practices
    • Informal parenting circles to explore and discuss modern parenting strategies
    • Innovative Teaching and Learning Coordinator provides parent support and resources
  • Encourage Creation vs. Consumption

    • Scaffolded electives, including Creative Design and Engineering, Robotics, InventTeam, Coding, Web & App Development, Wearable Tech
    • Signature Programs, including the Institute for Video and Media Literacy, STEM Symposium, and Award-winning journalism and student publication programs
    • Global collaboration using an array of digital tools
    • Remote student-centered learning opportunities
  • Foster Self-Regulation & Healthy Digital Habits

    • Student orientation to Archer’s digital devices and tools
    • Ongoing Wellness curriculum with scenarios, self-management, and digital dilemmas
    • To prioritize belonging and relationships, no phones during school hours for Middle School; laptop-free lunches 
    • Upper School digital wellness challenges and screen-free days
    • Mentorship
    • Community practices contribute to building healthy habits
  • Teach Media and Digital Literacy

    • Benchmarked standards across the curriculum
    • Guest speakers, panels, and ongoing community programming 
    • Ongoing research, analysis, and resources from Challenge Success, Common Sense Media, Win at Social, and Panorama social-emotional learning
    • Partnering with experts in the field such as Lisa Damour to educate the Archer community 
    • Regular technology-use audits and ongoing training and professional development for teachers

Why does Archer provide students with a MacBook laptop?

  • Equity: every student has the same apps, computing power, and access to digital resources so they can engage in high-level learning both independently and in groups
  • Efficiency and effectiveness in the classroom in order to prioritize time on task and approach to learning expectations
  • Archer’s IT team can troubleshoot, fix, and support laptop problems and issues
  • Cycle of updating, reimaging, and replacement to ensure devices are quick, current, and benefit from the latest innovations
  • Curated apps and programs to match curricular needs and opportunities
  • Archer can “slow release” website capabilities and available resources to match student’s development stage
  • We partner with our IT team’s expertise to leverage new technologies, support appropriate student usage, and scaffolded skills development
  • Streamlined approach to teaching digital skills and leveraging new technologies
  • Our system offers customized controls for parents from Securly, including weekly summaries, schedulable offline times, and customizable rules
  • Teachers can set clear expectations around classroom use, navigation, and access, and have the ability to maintain classroom supervision, offer quick checks, set reminders, and collect data

At a Glance

List of 4 items.

  • 1 to 1 Device Program

    Apple iPad or MacBook for every student and teacher
  • Support

    All students and teachers have access to on-campus tech support.
  • Educational Tools

    Laptops are equipped with a suite of educational tools.
  • Literacy

    Media and digital literacies are woven throughout the curriculum in  6-12th grade.
The Archer School for Girls admits students of any race, color, religion, national and ethnic origin, sexual orientation or other legally protected status to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national and ethnic origin, sexual orientation or other legally protected status in its hiring or in the administration of its educational policies and programs, admissions policies, financial aid programs or other school-administered programs. 

The Archer School for Girls’ mission is to educate students in an environment specifically designed for girls. As such, the school will consider any candidate for admission who identifies as a girl. Once admitted to Archer, all students in good academic standing who abide by Archer’s code of conduct and who meet requirements for graduation will be eligible to receive an Archer diploma, regardless of any change in sexual identity or other legally protected status.